My Journey

My blog is focused on my journey.  In the last 3 years I’ve given birth to 4 beautiful babies and I have buried my mom, my dad, my grandpa and grandma.  To say that it has been a lot to handle is an understatement.   I have had to make some very important decisions to keep myself moving forward.  It starts from the moment I wake up in the morning…. and what resinates for me is a quote I learned earlier this year from 2 incredibly successful and inspiring dermatologists.

To say I have “aged” both on the inside and the outside is also an understatement. Having experienced both the best things in life (the birth of new babes) and the worst things in life (the deaths of those closest to me) in such a short time has changed me in so many ways.  It is within my hopes that throughout this journey I focus on the blessings and beauty and find peace with the bad and the ugly.

I want to stay as young as I can for as long as I can so that I can be “present” for my children for as long as possible- with God’s blessing.

With that charge I have committed to change my skin, my life and to help others be successful in their own journeys.

I plan on sharing how my journey has evolved to where it is today and what tools I have put in place to keep it moving forward.  This includes my involvement with my new business venture, the Prescription for Change and the dreams and goals I have for my young family.

If you are interested in learning more about skin care, making a change and inspiration to follow your dreams, you can sign up for my free newsletter.

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