The “F”s of LIFE

There are a LOT of F words you could probably think of as it relates to the “F”s

Of life.

Initially I’m thinking of the Effs of life.

Then I started hearing the theme song to the “Facts of Life” but I’m thinking more about the balance of FILLING the CUPS in your life. If they aren’t balanced it’s impossible for YOU to have a FULL cup and therefor FILLING the cups for others and those around you will be…….

I M P O S S I B L E.

You can’t pour from an empty cup.

FIRST step:

Identify your F’s.

This took me 35 to 40 years. Lots of hours in therapy and counseling. 3 degrees and seasoned experience in loss.

Occasionally I’m adjusting but since I’ve been at it for a good 5-10 years- I’ve gotten better and better at identifying when they aren’t balanced; when my cups are empty. I’m at a much better place of regulating myself because I can self reflect on this NOW. Being able to Self Reflect is a true GIFT.

Here are my personal “F”s of Life.

1. Family

2. Friends

3. Fuel

4. Fab

5. Fit

6. Fun

I have 6 of them!!!! Within each one there are some different variables that contribute to the health and wellness of each one. Anytime that I have felt myself slipping it’s often because any combination of these F’s are “off”, empty or need a recharge.

My days are most fulfilled over and over again when these cups or pillars or buckets….. are FILLED!!!! Another F!

My upcoming blogs are going to dive deeper into each of these F’s. If you’ve never dug deeper into YOURs…..

There is no better time than NOW to do so!!!!!!!

Why? Because YOU deserve that. It’s the final quarter of a shitty year….. do it NOW.

Your Future self will thank you!
