
For the next 3 months I am sharing EVERY WEEK.

People ask me ALL THE TIME a) do I miss what I used to do and b) will I ever go back……..

I spent a LOT OF TIME prepping my life to DO WHAT I DID. I LOVED what I did. I was prepared in my head to spend all of my working days in an office surrounded by amazing teachers and out in the field with amazing kids. I enjoyed talking to parents. And working with teams. And hands down I am to the heart of the living core a life long learner. But No.

I will never go back.


And not because I can’t or because I don’t have to or because I don’t want to……

I won’t go back because as much as we “plan” or think we know what is BEST for ourselves….. sometimes we don’t AND we have to let something else “take the wheel”. For me that’s HARD because I have always been the driver. The one in control. Or so I thought.

However- There really IS a MASTER plan. No matter what you believe in spiritually.

For example….do you really think people wake up each day and say “you know….. today I’m going to x,y,and z even though I’ve never EVER thought of doing this before IN MY LIFE?! I don’t think so!!! SOMETHING has conditioned OR has influenced them to get to that point of waking up- and to do something that may or may not reflect who they truly are.

I hands down believe that if you were to look back and REALLY analyze the path you’ve walked- it’s not a surprise or shouldn’t be a news flash of anything NEW.

There are hints.

There are signs.

Our past successes and of course our failures and/or experiences DO impact our future successes and/or experiences. It’s allllllllll about being that life long learner. That person that can reflect, analyze, be self-reflecting and GROW…….

…….transform. ?

We are in the second quarter of 2019. If the first quarter was rough.

Start again.

Make a change and


If you are better than the person you were the day before…. you are WELL on your way TO the best version of yourself.

Because, Who doesn’t want that?

