It’s pretty flipping fabulous that it’s not only a NEW decade, but people like me who were born in ’79 are entering their OWN personal NEW decade!!!! In fact there’s a LOT of people in the same boat…

if you were born at the end of a decade!!!

This is YOUR new decade!!!!!!

But wait. You get a grace year. To transition.

You see -last year when I was 40 I still felt like I was just at the end of my thirties…. and I still felt thirty something at heart. ???

But not anymore.

This is IT.

I am full fledge NOW in my effing 40’s.

I say that affectionately because I’m entering it in a way I NEVER EVER EVERRRRR IMAGINED. Only because when I was 30 I didn’t arrive there THIS gracefully.





“Scared to death” ironically is something my dad wrote on a piece of paper 6 years ago. Right before he died.




I entered 30 scared of what would happen in my thirties. I was already on “borrowed time” with moms health. She had a major stroke when she was 30 and again when she was 40. I was scared to death knowing that if she ever had another stroke she wouldn’t survive it. We all knew this. I was scared to death that I would have the same thing she had and have a stroke myself. And I was scared to death because I was already in very DEEP with fertility treatments. Something I WANTED TO DO. We couldn’t have kids on our own. Nothing was working. It was “unexplained infertility” they said. BUT…..I could tell this was possibly controversial or not completely 100% supported at the time…. including my parents. And I had always been a people pleaser to some degree- so I didn’t talk about it too much but in my heart I was scared I was doing something or possibly messing with the works of GOD or the Lords plan for my life.

I was an assistant principal in a large elementary school. I didn’t share it often….. but I was scared to death of “active shooters”, gunmen, mentally unstable people or anyone who entered my building who didn’t seem quite “right”.

Safety and security was my biggest concern.



What I have already learned to give up and leave behind in my thirties among MANY other THINGS…..






More on this. Only because I have learned so much. I just have to share….

