21 days- Day 4- watch out

I just realized I have committed to 21 days of blogging to prove a point to MYSELF first and foremost that a habit is developed after 21 days. I let my blog “slip” during the pandemic…… so here we go with less than 3 hours to spare.

Watch out. Watch your back. Be a defensive driver. Know who your audience is. Know who is following you. Etc etc etc.

You can ask my husband. I have always been the one to “watch out”. Always on high alert. More aware of my surroundings than I should have been at a much earlier age than I should have been because my exposure to it came much sooner than most.

Exposure? To what? …….L I F E.

I was the kid worried about everything. I think as an assistant principal this served me WELL because I was on high alert about every person that walked in our doors. I was on top of every custody battle, every court hearing, every person who checked in the “eat lunch”.

It also created problems for me as well. I never turned off.

If you know what I mean here……if you never turn off the job then you lack the balance of a healthy lifestyle and mindset. It caused major problems.

But watch out…..

Watch out for people who talk more than they LISTEN.

For people who steal your time or seems to monopolize your time.

For people who repeatedly make you feel less than you should. Those people are quick to judge and outspoken enough to point out your flaws or why you lack.

Watch out for these people.

Watch out for the people who tell you they are “so busy”. If they are your true family they won’t be “so busy”. I’ve learned the hard way and I wish I could say that I have learned from my mistakes but I haven’t. Hence why I share this in writing because it isn’t something that’s easy to recognize or swallow or overcome.

So watch out for that.

My biggest thing for this early in my quest here to share my thoughts 21 days straight is to LOVE YOURSELF FIRST. Know your worth and watch out for


Anyone Who ever EVER jeopardizes it.
